Java Developer Average Salary in India [2023]

If you are thinking to pursue career in Java and wondering what the Java developer profession worth in India, then you have landed in the right place. The average salary of a fresher Java developer in India is Rs 2,93,000 whereas for an experienced Java developer the average pay is Rs 8,72,000. Let's dive deep into the java developer salary stats:

Read Also: Java Developer salary in the United States

Java Developer Average Salary in India [2023]

According to Indeed, the average salary for a Java developer is Rs 7,55,826 in India.

Below is the graph of India where:

1. The color green indicates the states of India where the Java developer salary is greater than the average base salary of Rs 7,55,826.

2. The color yellow indicates the states of India where the Java developer salary is almost equal to the average base salary of Rs 7,55,826.

3. The color red indicates the states of India where the Java developer salary is less than the average base salary of Rs 7,55,826.

4. The color white in the below graph indicates no data is available.

Java developer salary in india

Java developer's salary depends upon several factors as shown below:

1. Experience in IT industry as Java developer

2. Location of the Job

3. Company (Organization)

Let's discuss and see stats for the above mentioned factors, how they are impacting a Java developer's salary.

1. Experience in IT industry

Below is the average salary of the Java developer with years of experience in India.

ExperienceAverage Base Pay/yr (INR)
0-1 year of experienceRs 2,93,000
1-4 years of experienceRs 4,26,000
5-9 years of experienceRs 8,72,000
10-19 years of experienceRs 10,00,000
20+ years of experienceRs 15,00,000

Java developer salary with experience in india

2. Java Developer Salary with Location of Job

5 Best Paid Cities for Java Developers in India

Given below are the top 5 best-paid cities for Java Developers in India


Best paid cities in India for Java developer

3. Java Developer Salary Based on Companies (Organization)

Java Developers salary also depends upon the Company (Organization). The below table provides the salaries given by the Company to a Java Developer in India:

CompanyAverage Pay Per Year
Tech MahindraRs 10,46,248
InfosysRs 9,70,000
TCSRs 9,34,857
CapgeminiRs 10,50,000
CognizantRs 9,25,000

Openings for Java Developers based on Salary in India

Openings or Jobs for Java Developers based on Salary in India are shown below in the pie chart:

Rs 3,00,00040%
Rs 4,50,00025%
Rs 7,50,00020%
Rs 10,00,00011%
Rs 15,00,0004%

Openings based on salary in India for Java developer

Other Similar Professions Salary in India

We know that a Java developer's average salary is Rs 7,55,826 per year in India. Let's see other similar profession's average salaries in India:

ProfessionAverage Base Pay/yr (INR)
Full Stack DeveloperRs 7,60,032
Software EngineerRs 4,79,952
Backend DeveloperRs 7,31,982
Frontend DeveloperRs 3,74,258
Application DeveloperRs 3,10,152

Other professions salary in India

That's all for today. Please mention in the comments if you have any thoughts regarding the Java developer's average salary in India.

1. Indeed
2. payscale

About The Author

Subham Mittal has worked in Oracle for 3 years.
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